
Conservation of Natural EnvironmentNatural EnvironmentMaking the natural environment of Tokyo more abundant and closer to our livesWith the aim of ensuring the proper management and utilization of nature conservation areas enclosing our precious natural environment, TEPSC is entrusted by TMG with the following tasks: training of volunteer staff to conduct green zone conservation activities in the nature conservation areas; operation of the information center responsible for dissemination of information on volunteering and registration of members; and maintenance and management of the nature conservation areas.Nature conservation area experience programsWith the aim of attracting and retaining new volunteers, we provide hands-on programs that are accessible even to beginners to experience the benets of green zone conservation activities in Tokyo.Tokyo Greenship Action and Tokyo Green Campus ProgramTEPSC implements Tokyo Greenship Action and the Tokyo Green Campus Program in cooperation with various entities such as companies, NPOs, and universities to maintain a good natural environment in conservation areas and to raise awareness of the natural environment among a wide range of Tokyo’s residents.Management of nature conservation areasTo ensure proper management of the nature conservation areas, we cut down and prune trees representing a risk of trafc obstruction or human injury, as well as repairing facilities such as information signs, pathways, and fences in cooperation with local cities and volunteer groups.Rice paddy experience in Satoyama (a program of Experience nature in Tokyo! SATOYAMA)Website of Experience nature in Tokyo! SATOYAMAYagawa green zone conservation areaNature conservation areas in TokyoNumber of designated areas: 50Total area: Approx. 760 ha11Operation of the Information Center for Natural Greenery ConservationTEPSC operates Experience nature in Tokyo! SATOYAMA, a website of the Information Center for Natural Greenery Conservation, to provide information on volunteer activities according to the needs and levels of those who wish to participate in the activities, thereby matching them with activity areas and volunteer organizations.https://www.tokyo-satoyama.metro.tokyo.lg.jp.englishTokyo SATOYAMA

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