Tokyo Environmental Public Service Corporation 3Rs and Waste Management in TOKYO

  • Incineration of combustible waste
  • Waste incineration facilities
  • Incinerator Type
  • Major equipment(for grate-type incinerators)
  • Exhaust Control
  • Environmental measures to counter exhaust and wastewater emissions
  • Environmental Measurement
  • Mechanism of Power Generation and Heat Supply
  • Ash recycling
  • Eco-cement
  • Ash melting
  • Other recycling
  • Recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment
  • Processing of food waste into biogas

Exhaust Control

A Soot and dust control

Soot and dust refers to impure carbon particles and cinders. The filter fabric in the bag filter removes soot and dust from the exhaust.

B Dioxin control

Dioxin is a generic term given to polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzo furans and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls.

Dioxin emissions are suppressed by burning waste at a high temperature. The cooling tower quickly cools the exhaust to prevent recomposition. The bag filter removes them in addition to soot and dust with the use of filter fabric.

C Mercury control

Mercury is a highly volatile metal toxic to humans. The bag filter adsorbs it on active carbon. In the fume-cleaning system, mercury is immobilized using a liquid chelate for removal.

D Hydrogen chloride and SOx control

Hydrogen chloride and sulfur oxide (SOx) are air pollutants that cause acid rain.
For their removal, the bag filter blows slaked lime in, while the fume-cleaning system causes a reaction with a sodium hydroxide solution.

E NOx control

Nitrogen oxide (NOx) is an air pollutant that brings about photochemical smog and acid rain. It is reacted with ammonia to decompose it with the use of a function of the catalyst.

Figure of Exhaust Control

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