International cooperation in sustainable materials management
We disseminate information regarding the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s environmental initiatives through workshops, seminars, and site visits tailored for government officials from abroad.

As designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Tokyo Environmental Public Service Corporation assumes the role of serving as the secretariat for international affairs about sustainable resource management. It is anticipated that major cities across Asia and other regions will confront significant environmental challenges and heightened energy consumption due to rapid economic expansion. Tokyo endeavors to address these challenges by offering technical support aimed at resolving sustainability issues encountered by urban centers. Concurrently, Tokyo aims to contribute to global environmental initiatives, such as mitigating greenhouse gas emissions associated with resource utilization, through collaboration with cities worldwide. Furthermore, we actively foster the growth of businesses possessing advanced technologies relevant to sustainable resource management within Tokyo, with a particular emphasis on major urban centers in Asia.
Knowledge and Technical Exchange - Multilateral
Within the project framework of Multilateral Practical Cooperation Projects entitled “Promotion of Environmentally Sound Waste Management and Resource Recycling,” the Tokyo Metropolitan Government convenes a sequence of webinars targeted at working-level government officials engaged in the domain of sustainable resource management. These sessions are orchestrated to address shared challenges encountered by major cities across Asia and other regions.
<Result in FY 2023>
1. TMG Collaborative Study Webinar Fiber-to-Fiber: Textile Recycling
2. TMG Online Symposium” Reuse, an Essential Part of Circular Economy”

Knowledge and Technical Exchange - Bilateral
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government convenes bilateral meetings focused on promoting the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle (3Rs) and enhancing waste management practices, endeavors that resonate universally among cities. Through these gatherings, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise in sustainable resource management with cities worldwide, utilizing various platforms such as online meetings.
<Result in FY 2023>
1. Taipei-Tokyo Online Meeting (2023/5/31)
2. Seoul-Tokyo Online Meeting (2023/7/26)
3. Aarhus-Tokyo Online Meeting (2023/8/23)
4. Singapore-Tokyo Online Meeting (2023/12/18)

Site visits
We facilitate the requisite arrangements for foreign government officials seeking to observe final disposal sites and/or recycling facilities in Tokyo.
<Result in FY 2023>
Promotion Team, Tokyo Circular Economy Promotion Center, Environment Symbiosis Division E-mail: